About sample sliders

LayerSlider WP is the ultimate parallax content slider. It is really flexible and offers lots of options, you can entirely customize your content. Some people may find it difficult to understand every options what we offer to our customers. So we created a two sample sliders which demonstrate the power of LayerSlider WP and also show our customers which options are responsible for which effect. Just press the "Import sample sliders" button at the top of the page and it will create a copy of these sample sliders for you. You can play with these sliders, don't worry about breaking them, it is meant to be for testing and experimenting. If you ever want to revert them to their original state, just press the "Import sample sliders" button again and it will create you a second, untouched copy.

Please note that the "Sample slider" is a more complex slider, if you want the see a simple example, please check the "Sample content slider" slider.