*** Swatch Changelog *** 2013.01.15 - version 1.5 * header.php - added feature slider to allow for use with static front page * index.php - removed slider * includes/theme-js.php - added is_front_page for slider scripts 2012.11.19 - version 1.4.13 * style.css - Fixed 'widget-bg.png' image referance 2012.10.15 - version 1.4.12 * /includes/theme-functions.php - Make sure the portfolio gallery items are correctly assigned when retrieving a portfolio item's settings. * /includes/gallery.php - Add noheight=true to the main image display in the portfolio gallery. 2012.09.20 - version 1.4.11 * template-archives.php - Replace query_posts() with a new WP_Query() when listing the most recent 30 blog posts on the "Archives" page template. 2012.08.20 - version 1.4.10 * /includes/theme-options.php - Add subheadings to the various theme options sections, where appropriate. * /includes/theme-js.php - Resolve "undefined variable" notice. * /includes/theme-functions.php - Resolve "undefined index" notices. * /includes/theme-actions.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * index.php - Resolve "undefined index" notices. * footer.php - Resolve "undefined index" notices. * page.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * archive.php - Resolve "undefined index" notices. * single.php - Resolve "undefined index" notices. * template-blog.php - Resolve "undefined index" notices. * template-contact.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * template-archives.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * template-fullwidth.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * template-imagegallery.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * template-portfolio.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * template-sitemap.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * template-tags.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * template-timeline.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * taxonomy-portfolio-gallery.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * single-portfolio.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. * loop-portfolio.php - Resolve "undefined index" and "undefined variable" notices. * search.php - Resolve "undefined index" notice. 2012.08.03 - version 1.4.9 * /includes/theme-options.php - Removed unused footer title option. 2012.04.16 - version 1.4.8 * /includes/featured.php - Swap query_posts() for get_posts() and make sure suppress_filters is set to 0. * /includes/mini-features.php - Swap query_posts() for get_posts() and make sure suppress_filters is set to 0. 2012.03.24 - version 1.4.7 * style.css - Added .archive .portfolio-items { padding: 30px; } to fix the portfolio archive layout. 2012.02.21 - version 1.4.6 * style.css - Add styling for "pre" tags. 2012.02.15 - version 1.4.5 * loop-portfolio.php - Added placeholder image if no image uploaded * images/temp-portfolio.png - Added placeholder image 2012.02.14 - version 1.4.4 * /includes/js/portfolio.js - Add woo_move_clearfix() function and call the function when changing the portfolio category to move the ".fix" DIV tag appropriately. 2012.02.09 - version 1.4.3 * style.css - fixed z-index for top menu dropdown 2012.02.08 - version 1.4.2 * /includes/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js - Re-minify and upgrade prettyPhoto to V3.1.3. * /includes/js/portfolio.js - Adjust prettyPhoto initialization to remove the social_tools. 2012.02.06 - version 1.4.1 * loop-portfolio.php - Added clear fix for portfolio items. 2012.02.05 - version 1.4.0 * loop-portfolio.php - Apply 'woo_portfolio_loop_query_args' filter on $query_args. * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-portfolio.php - Add widget settings for 'orderby' and 'order' parameters. 2012.01.22 - version 1.3.6 * /includes/theme-actions.php - Make sure the single post/page layout setting is applied correctly (referencing the $layouts array). 2011.12.20 - version 1.3.5 * single-portfolio.php - added noheight to woo_image to make image work in IE. 2011.11.30 - version 1.3.4 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-postmeta.php - Make sure the $post URL and title are retrieved correctly. * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-twitter.php - Code clean-up and consistency checks. * /includes/theme-functions.php - Add "woothemes" textdomain to comment form label text, "slides" custom admin column titles and "portfolio gallery" taxonomy labels and custom admin column titles. * header.php - Replace all instances of bloginfo( 'url' ) with echo home_url( '/' ) for code standards optimisation. 2011.11.12 - version 1.3.3 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-adspace.php - Make sure the image URL is applied correctly when using an image advert. 2011.11.09 - version 1.3.2 * /includes/theme-js.php - Add jquery-ui-tabs as a dependency on general.js when on a single post/page. 2011.11.06 - version 1.3.1 * style.css - fixed right content layout css .two-col-right .xxx 2011.10.20 - version 1.3.0 * /includes/theme-options.php - Added optional custom lightbox description text field for portfolio items. * /includes/theme-functions.php - Added logic to handle custom lightbox description text field. * style.css - Width fixes for portfolio items & styled portfolio single page gallery * includes/home-portfolio.php - Fixed portfolio image width * includes/theme-functions.php - Adjusted portfolio single page gallery thumbnail widths * single-portfolio.php - Adjusted video embed width 2011.10.13 - version 1.2.9 * style.css - Fixed portfolio items last-child margin bug 2011.10.11 - version 1.2.8 * style.css - Added IE8 slider opacity fallback 2011.10.06 - version 1.2.7 * style.css - Fixed z-index for header 2011.10.05 - version 1.2.6 * style.css - Portfolio thumbnail drop-shadow adjusted 2011.10.04 - version 1.2.5 * /includes/js/general.js - Added support for fadeSpeed and set crossfade to false for a smoother fade effect. * style.css - IE7 slider bugs 2011.10.03 - version 1.2.4 * style.css - Removed z-index of header as it was conflicting with lightboxes. 2011.10.03 - version 1.2.3 * style.css - Adjusted portfolio page thumbnail shadow width 2011.09.30 - version 1.2.2 * /includes/js/jquery.jcarousel.min.js - Added missing jCarousel JavaScript file. 2011.09.26 - version 1.2.1 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-flickr.php - Fixed issue of Flickr ID not being passed through to the widget. 2011.09.06 - version 1.2.0 * /includes/featured.php - Fix conflict between automatic thumbnails theme option and non-image slides with images in the slide content. * /includes/theme-actions.php - Fixed styling conflict between custom link styles and site-title link colour. Added body class for if the "Enable Lightbox" theme option is checked or if on a page that is a part of the "Portfolio" component. * /includes/theme-options.php - Added "Enable Lightbox" theme option under the "Dynamic Images" tab. * /includes/theme-functions.php - Load PrettyPhoto JavaScript and CSS if the "Enable Lightbox" theme option is checked and not on a "Portfolio"-related screen. * /includes/theme-js.php - Add "woothemes_add_javascript" and "woothemes_add_css" actions appropriately. Re-order general.js enqueue. * /includes/js/general.js - Add JavaScript to automatically activate PrettyPhoto on all links that point to image files. 2011.09.05 - version 1.1.1 * style.css - Removed text colour from #connect h3 to allow typography settings to override this. * /includes/gallery.php - Set the height of the portfolio gallery slider to the height of the first slide on load. * /includes/theme-js.php - Remove enqueue of jCarousel script on the homepage. * /includes/theme-actions.php - Make sure default layout body class is added correctly on portfolio items and in general. Styling Options apply correctly when using alt styles. * /includes/featured.php - Swap check of thumbnail and video around, and check if no video is set before checking for a thumbnail (fixes YouTube video display issue in slider). 2011.09.01 - version 1.1.0 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-blog.php - Added "Hits from the Blog" dedicated custom widget. * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-portfolio.php - Added "Portfolio Snapshots" dedicated custom widget. * /includes/theme-widgets.php - Loaded in custom "Woo - Blog" and "Woo - Portfolio" widgets. * /includes/home-blog.php - Adjusted CSS class to be widget_woo_blog instead of widget_blog, for styling consistency with "Woo - Blog" widget. * /includes/js/portfolio.js - Added support for the hover fade on the "Woo - Portfolio" widget. * /includes/theme-actions.php - Adjusted custom styling logic to make sure link colours apply to comments list. * style.css - Adjusted "Hits from the Blog" styling to be on the widget_woo_blog CSS class, instead of the #blog ID. Fixed "Subscribe & Connect title doesn't apply custom typography" issue by removing default font CSS on #connect h3. 2011.08.31 - version 1.0 * First release!